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12 DIY Holiday Decor to make with Building Supplies

12 DIY Holiday Decor to make with Building Supplies
If you’re looking to add a little personal flair to your home this holiday season, LeDrew Lumber encourages you to start at your local hardware store. They stock small, inexpensive items that have a variety of uses. Some of these items can be repurposed into great decorations. Here are some ideas you can make yourself.

#1. Wire Christmas Trees
A cool minimalist decoration idea is to take green electrical wire in various lengths from 12” to 24” and twist them into a spiral with a wide base with a point on the top to resemble a Christmas tree. Set in a group of two or three, they fit nicely together. Use a hot glue gun to attach a small star bead to the top and round beads on the spirals to simulate lights. Christmas craft ideas 2015 - DIY gifts for the whole family! Read more.
#2. Light Bulb Tree Ornaments
Why not make ornaments for your tree out of actual light bulbs? Round ones will maintain the traditional look of regular ornaments, but oval-shaped bulbs work great as well. Paint the glass of the bulb with the colours or design you want or add glitter to give it some sparkle. Wrap a string or ribbon around the base of the bulb, attach a couple together and hang them upside down from your tree! Christmas craft ideas 2015 - DIY gifts for the whole family! Read more.
#3. Fabric Christmas Tree Screw
If you’re looking for another way to make DIY Christmas tree decor, it can start with something as small as a screw. Take a screw and tie pieces of ribbon or fabric tightly around it. Then use scissors to cut the pieces into the shape of a tree. It will make a great little addition attached near the gift tag, hung on a tree or scattered around holiday decorations. 10 Ornaments Made of Upcycled Workshop Hardware Read more.
#4. Paint Brush Santas
Pick up some paintbrushes to make cute paintbrush Santas. Paint the handle with alternating stripes of colours like red, white and green. Once dry, glue a cotton ball onto the top of the handle to make the top of the hat. Paint a face underneath the hat to complete the look. Tie a string around the hole in the handle so you can hang them from your tree or on the wall. Paint Brush Santas :: Homemade Christmas Ornament Read more.

#5. Minimalist Washer Tree
Another Christmas tree idea takes only wire and washers. Arrange the washers into the shape of a tree and attach them together with wire. Then add a loop of wire to the top so you can hang it on your tree. The shinier the washers, the better they enhance the lights on the tree. 10 Ornaments Made of Upcycled Workshop Hardware Read more.
#6. DIY Pallet Trees With Marquee Lights
If you’re looking for something to decorate your yard, you can do it with a wood pallet and some paint. Draw the shape of a Christmas tree on the pallet and cut accordingly. After you’ve made the cuts, paint the pieces. Then you’ll reassemble the pieces back on one of the vertical slats in the shape of your tree. Cut the vertical piece with a point on it to be pushed into the ground. DIY Christmas Trees With Marquee Lights Read more.
#7. Star Ornaments Made From Washers
Washers can also be used to make snowflake decorations for your tree. Place one bigger washer in the middle, then glue five smaller washers overlapping that one. Keep gluing smaller washers on each of the five arms until they’re as long as you want. Then tie a string around the innermost washer so you can hang it from your tree. DIY Star Ornaments Made From Washers Read more.
#8. Tinkering Trees
Bolts, washers and nuts are all you need to make this small Christmas tree decoration. First, get four or five washers of gradually reduced sizes. Place a bolt upside down and screw on a nut leaving about a ¼" gap from the head of the bolt. Then slide the largest washer on and screw another nut until it reaches the washer. Repeat this process with smaller washers until you've reached the top. Place one more bolt to hold it all together. Invitation to Build: Tinkering Trees Read more.

#9. Concrete Mini Christmas Trees
There are a lot of neat projects that you can create out of concrete, including unique holiday decor. Pick up a bit of cement and contact paper to create a sleek industrial-style ornament that you can customize. Make a cone shape with the contact paper, tape it together, and fill it with cement. Cover it and let it dry for 12 hours and then peel away the paper. Top with a bit of gold paint or filled-in stenciled dots. Make a few in different sizes and arrange them together to fill out the look of your new decorations. How To Make Concrete Mini Christmas Trees Read more.
#10. Tomato Cage Christmas Tree
Tomato cages and garland can be used to make small Christmas trees that can sit on the floor, side table or outside. Turn the tomato cage upside down and gather the ends of your tomato cage and secure them to a point. Use garland to wrap around and through it. Once the cage is covered in garland, you can decorate it as you would a regular tree. Maybe even decorate it with some of the above ideas! DIY Tomato Cage Christmas Tree Read more.
#11. Simple Industrial Metal Snowflake
With some strap ties, screws, and nuts, you can make snowflakes in a variety of sizes. For a bigger snowflake, attach the strap ties end to end using the existing holes. Then, create two more of the same length that will all meet in the middle and become the branches of your snowflake. If you want something smaller, do the same thing without attaching the ties end to end first. How to Make a Simple Industrial Metal Snowflake Read more.
#12. Stringed Wooden Star
Cut a star from a piece of plywood and hammer in a nail on each of the five points and in each of the five inside corners. Then take a string and wrap it around the nails to create a string art decoration. Experiment with different colours and run the string around the nails in different patterns. 10 Ornaments Made of Upcycled Workshop Hardware Read more.
If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to visit LeDrew Lumber for assistance. We would be happy to help you in any way we can.
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